Our logo, featuring the wasp Dipogon sayi Banks, was designed by Monica Russo, Hymenopterist, artist and author extraordinaire, one of the founding members of the Society.
From the M.E.S. Constitution
The purposes of the Maine Entomological Society shall be:
a) to promote a forum for discussion, cooperation and collaboration among amateurs and professionals in entomology, who either reside in Maine or have interests in Maine insects or terrestrial arthropods; and
b) to encourage active study of all aspects of Maine insects and terrestrial arthropods, and to promote educational activities on Maine insects and terrestrial arthropods throughout the state.
Photo by M.E.S. Member Steven Scott
About MES
The Maine Entomological Society was established by a group of insect and arachnid enthusiasts in 1997 (click here to see the newsletter that started it all!), and now has a total membership of approximately 120 individuals and groups. The Maine Entomologist, our quarterly newsletter, usually consists of 6-8 pages of Society news and entomological information. The annual meeting is held each fall, and we usually have a mid-winter workshop. Get-togethers and collecting trips are scheduled monthly when possible during the late spring, summer, and early fall, and in the winter we are rolling out a new webinar series, which will be archived here. All these are announced in advance both here and in the newsletter.
We have links to a whole host of entomological sites, and plan to continue adding to the resources on this website. We hope to contribute meaningfully to the knowledge of insects and terrestrial arthropods as well, while having a lot of fun doing it. Meanwhile, we invite anyone and everyone to explore freely, and watch us grow!
Membership in the Maine Entomological Society is open to anyone, whether or not a Maine resident, who has interest in the insects or terrestrial arthropods of Maine.
Fishfly Neohermes concolor (Megaloptera: Corydalidae)
Location: Biddeford ME (York Co.)
Image by M.E.S. Member Brandon Woo
Upcoming events:
Throughout the year, M.E.S. hosts several events, open to members and non-members alike! Event categories include, but are not limited to:
An annual meeting every September or October
Field trips (generally from May-September, however, not limited to these times)
Winter workshop generally in January
Webinar series hosted in the “off season” from October-May, on the first Thursday of every month
Images submitted by M.E.S. Members: