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Maple Syrup and Insect Collecting at Charlene Donahue’s Home

First Field Day of the Season: Whitefield - Saturday, March 25th!

DO PLEASE contact Charlene Donahue if you're planning to attend:

call 485-0960, or by e-mail at

Saturday, March 25: Whitefield (Lincoln County) - Maple Syrup and Insect Collecting at Charlene Donahue’s home. Join us from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Maple syrup buckets often contain a fascinating assemblage of insects, plus there are insects on tree boles, in the woodpile and tucked in other nooks and crannies this time of year. There is a seep open all winter down near the Sheepscot River at the foot of the slope, and wetlands across the road. Plus, we have a bee yard.

In years past, we've found thousands of springtails atop the snow, and watched stoneflies pop to the surface of the Sheepscot River. You never know what early fauna will show up!

Come visit a backyard sugar operation, enjoy the company and collect a bug or two or maybe more.

Dress for the weather and be sure to wear boots; bring snowshoes if conditions permit, as well as your lunch and drinks. If the sap cooker is running, there are usually people hanging out, and it's a laid-back time (until a batch of syrup is ready to come off!).

DO PLEASE contact Charlene Donahue if you're planning to attend: call 485-0960, or by e-mail at .

Directions are included in the Weekly Forewing, or ask Charlene. Her home address will not be posted on this public website.

March 9

MES Webinar Series: The aleocharine beetles (Staphylinidae - rove beetles) of New Hampshire (and Maine) by Don Chandler

April 13

MES Webinar Series: Insects of Maine's Wild Blueberry by Dr. Philip Fanning