Our Freshwater Heritage: Maine Aquatic Biodiversity Project by Dave Courtemanch
Our Freshwater Heritage: Maine Aquatic Biodiversity Project webinar by Dave Courtemanch which was hosted on Thursday, March 10th, 2022.
The Nature Conservancy, the University of Maine, and the Maine Departments of Environmental Protection and Inland Fisheries and Wildlife initiated the Maine Aquatic Biodiversity Project in 2000 to evaluate current knowledge of Maine's freshwater plants and animals.This project was the first ever attempt to pull together what we know about Maine's freshwater biodiversity.The Maine Aquatic Biodiversity Project focused on aquatic vascular plants, insects and other invertebrates, and fish in Maine's lakes and streams. The final report was issued in 2009. Dave's talk will focus on the Project's findings related to freshwater insects and current data collection and resources that may be of interest to Maine's entomology enthusiasts.
Dave Courtemanch
spent much of his career with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, progressing from aquatic biologist to Director of Environmental Assessment. In the latter role, he had responsibility for monitoring Maine’s waters and development of the state’s water quality standards. A primary focus of his work has been the establishment of biologically-based water quality standards and assessment techniques. Presently Dave works for The Nature Conservancy as Freshwater Science and Policy Analyst. At TNC he is engaged in a variety of water-related conservation projects in Maine, U.S., and internationally.