Fun with Citizen Scientists: Biosurveillance for Emerald Ash Borer by Colleen Teerling

Fun with Citizen Scientists - Biosurveillance for Emerald Ash Borer webinar by Colleen Teerling which was hosted on Thursday, January 13, 2022.

For almost a decade before emerald ash borer was discovered in Maine, the Maine Forest Service was surveying and monitoring for it. One of the methods for monitoring was (and still is) biosurveillance, using a native, non-stinging wasp that hunts buprestid beetles. We developed a citizen scientist program, working with volunteers ranging from Girl Scouts to town councilors. Hear about what worked well, and what didn't work at all.

Colleen Teerling is an entomologist with the Maine Forest Service. She has worked there for over 12 years and has worked with with emearld ash borer as well as other invasive species. Before that, she went to school in New Brunswick and British Columbia and got her Bachelors and Masters degrees.


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