What’s the Buzz on Bees? by Jennifer Lund

What’s the Buzz on Bees’ webinar by bee expert, Jennifer Lund, which was hosted on Thursday December 3, 2020, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm.

This is your chance to learn answers to all your burning (stinging?) questions about Maine bees! Such as ‘What types of bees are found in Maine?’  and ‘Why are some bee species in decline? What can we do to protect bee populations in Maine? What plants encourage bees into our landscapes?’  Jennifer’s talk will focus on understanding basic bee biology, nesting requirements, and foraging behavior in order to answer these and many other common questions about bees.  If you are already thinking about next year’s gardens, learn what you can do to promote bee diversity and health!

Jennifer Lund is the State Apiarist with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry.  She received her Master’s degree in Entomology from the University of Maine and has over 20 years of entomological experience.  Aside from managing the honeybee inspection program and helping Maine beekeepers, Jennifer has several of her own hives she maintains on her farm in Argyle Township, Maine.

Useful links from the “chat box” of the webinar:


Toxic Nectar? How Plant Chemistry Changes Bee Behavior by Patty Jones


An Update on Spotted Lanternfly Research and its Impacts in the Eastern US. by Dr. Julie Urban